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Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Observation Insight Situation now remembers what approach you had when it last finished.The Accepted Plea for Protection opinion modifier now grants +150 opinion.Fix being able to build an observation post over Haven using the fleet order button.Fixed events related to the Out of Warranty event chain not firing.Fixed Liberation wars not showing up for Payback empires.

You can no longer select the Fear of the Dark version of the Sol system without the Fear of the Dark origin.Broken Shackles empires with the Parliamentary System civic will instead have Unshackled Politics fire one month after game start instead of one year after game start.The Separatist Planet will no longer nuke themselves if you lose your capital to space fauna.Torpedo and Frigate technology now requires you to have researched Corvettes.Admiral doesn’t get killed anymore when you upgrade the MSI flagship.Fixed a bug when cloaked ship cannot progress special project inside closed borders.Fixed Broken Shackles offering Payback information about the MSI even if they got already destroyed.Removed a TODO Opinion Modifier String.Randomly generated machine empires now have a chance to use the toxoid machine options if you own the corresponding DLC.The Accepted Plea for Protection opinion modifier is now granted to the subject towards the overlord instead of to the overlord towards the subject.Non-Xenophobe empires can once again enable displacement purging.The Artist Enclave should no longer offer to sell you a Ministry of Culture if you already bought one.The Ministry of Culture should no longer disappear after you finish building it.Fallen empire buildings should no longer disappear when you conquer their planets.Proper translations are expected with the following patch. Missing localizations are added in English.

Fixing custom diplomatic action sounds playing for unrelated empires.The Solarpunk empire will no longer gain a new fleet every single month.Admirals should no longer be able to gain both versions of the trickster trait.The Solarpunk Empire will no longer stay pre-FTL if you decide to steal from them.Fixed Contingency worlds not being properly cracked by devolving beam.Every single atomic pre-FTL will no longer nuke themselves if they are not being observed.